• Carnivorous Plants is something I would get excited about as a kid

    But it’s not really something I interact with at all I my adult life. We did have some Venus fly traps in the house.

  • Eternity Forever – Fantasy (Guitar Tutorial)

    There’s a bunch of stuff to like about this song, but for me it’s an example of all the right things happening with modern tech and conveniences. The production quality and mastering sit well in my ears. There’s no major studio backing. It was basically a DIY project by good musicians. Here’s a tutorial of how to play the main guitar part. What I enjoy seeing is that the actual guitarist for the song chimes in on the comments. I sent a Facebook message to the producer and he responded about a mastering question. This is ‘home recording’ at its best and a good example of what can be done independently.

  • Switch Play

    The music took me way back.

  • Have You ever Gotten Down to the Rat Detective Boogie… ?

    That dirt and grime between the frames of this animated classic is not the uncomfortable feeling in your neck and shoulders. It’s just the salt and pepper on your funk hotdog.

  • November 23th 2024

    Can you remember what you were doing that Saturday at 5 p.m.? No, me neither. But 走走zouzoua can. If nothing else, that’s what this blog is for. It’s a diary of what’s good. I’ve been sending people all the great and funny stuff I’ve been finding on the internet for years. But I’ve never kept a record of it for myself. Michael and I agree that there’s so much junk out there, someone should be keeping a collection, a record, of anything good. That’s what we’re sharing. We hope you enjoy it.

    Now can anyone remember a little book called High Fidelity by Nick Hornby? Could any of you have believed that the art of mix-taping would never die? And what can we say for the art of melding (melting?) the tracks together? Express yourself and your feelings with a playlist. Do the work – that it might draw me in to where your heart is, chronologically separate from all things today, on Valentines Day, ’25.

  • Have You Ever Watched YouTube Whilst Yelling, “Arrggghhh!”?

    Or have you ever gotten anything good on YouTube’s algorithm driven homepage? Sometimes, I like to try and figure out how it made the connection, even if I’ve recently had to wonder if YouTube is now listening to the videos I watch. Now, I haven’t thought about Master Shake and MC Pee Pants from Adult Swim’s Aqua Teen Hunger Force in a long time, but when this podcast popped up on my homepage, it cut a little deeper than usual. These guys used to work out of Atlanta with the man after whom I was named, my dad’s best friend, Scott Hilley, who played the Reverend on Squidbillies and had most of his scenes cut out of an old George Lucas bomb. He’s passed away now, but listening to this podcast got me thinking about him again, and how he might have been the third seat or a guest or something. Two so far, and worth a listen; back after so long – this first one is for Scott.

    None of This Matters podcast ep1 Dana Snyder and mc chris of Aqua Teen Hunger Force


  • Winter 2025 Walking

    This past year I’ve been exploring the Warhammer Horus Heresy series. After reading the first three books I listened to the Legion audiobook. It’s great for outside walks and indoor cycling. The experience is different than reading, but I will explore some more audiobooks while exercising. It might be worth looking into one of my favorite books, the Ring series, on audiobook for the next go around.

  • Currently Reading

    The City and Its Uncertain Walls – Haven’t read a Murakami book in a while. After reading a lot of his short stories recently it will be a fun change of pace.

    The Name of the Wind – Trying a new fantasy.

    100 Years of Solitude – I reread it every few years. It’s especially fun to read to Depapepe songs like I initially did inside Tsutaya in 2006.